

  • Brig. Gen. Brett Funck Director, Army Talent Management Task Force Brig. Gen. Brett Funck


What is it? Talent is the unique intersection of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and preferences (KSB-Ps) in every officer. Who has it? The foundation of a talent management system is gaining a granular level of knowledge of the KSB-Ps of every officer in the Army. How is it used? Moving from the current system to the future system requires a talent matching process of officers to assignments, assessments of officer talents, flexible career paths, and a variation in the way we promote and select officers.


The Army is developing a new Talent Management system to acquire, develop, employ, and retain the right talent for the future. The guidance is clear; the Army is not making the current Officer Personnel Management System (OPMS) better, the Army is creating a better system. By better understanding the talent of our workforce and the talent needed for unit requirements, the Army can deliver the right officer, to the right assignment, at the right time, over time. This is the most comprehensive reform of the Army's three officer personnel systems across the Total Force since the Officer Personnel Act of 1947.



1 Army Talent Alignment Process
2 Officer management systems to a talent-based approach
3 Officer management systems to a talent-based approach (Short)
4 Army Talent Management Leader Professional Development Briefing
5 Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) Breakfast Series - Nov. 14, 2019
6 Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP) by the Numbers
7 Cultural Lines of Defense Against Change
8 Battalion Commander Assessment Program
9 Inaugural Battalion Commander Assessment Program Results
10 Special Forces Medic
11 Paving the Way: The BCAP Experience
12 Battalion Commander Assessment Program: Documentary
13 Why I Serve
14 Multiple Launch Rocket System
15 Could You be a Psychological Operations Specialist?
16 Why is Leader Development Important to the Army?
17 Horse Cavalry Detachment is Seeking Recruits!
18 First in Deed
19 Welcome to the Battalion Commander Assessment Program

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is the Army implementing the GRE at the Captains Career Course? The Army will use the results of the GRE to inform selection decisions for who attends competitive advanced education programs. The GRE is the first of many assessments the Army will implement in order to gain accurate, detailed, and objective information about the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of its people. Do I have to take the GRE if I don't want to go to graduate school? What if I have already taken the GRE or have an advanced degree? Yes, even if the officer has no desire to attend a graduate program during their service or already have a master's degree, they are expected to take the GRE. The data collected will be used to inform and shape future decisions about officer development. Where do my scores go? Educational Testing Services (ETS) distributes four copies of a participant's GRE results at no cost to the participant. One will be uploaded to the officer's Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). A second copy will be sent to Army Research Institute (ARI) for research purposes and two will be sent to educational institutions of the officer's choosing. Who can see my results? Your scores will be viewable when applying to Army programs (fellowships, advanced civil schooling, etc) that require a master's program. Your scores will not appear on your ORB. Will they affect promotion or evaluation? No, GRE results are not viewable by promotion board members or commanders. Can I take the GRE again to raise my results? Yes, you may take the GRE again to attempt to improve your score. However, OPMF can only have one result uploaded at a time. You may apply your Defense Activities Non-Traditional Education System (DANTES) benefit towards a GRE exam taken outside of CCC. This is a one-time benefit - if you have already used your DANTES benefit you will not be able to use it again and any future testing attempts will be out of pocket. Will captains have to pay to take the GRE? No, the Army will provide each student a voucher to take the GRE. This voucher is not deducted from the officer's DANTES benefit. Where will the GRE be administered? GRE testing will be conducted at the installation by an ETS mobile testing team or at local ETS testing sites. Each individual CCC class will receive information about the test location, date, and time when they report to CCC. Why did the Army select the GRE? The GRE is the most commonly accepted tool currently available that is used by some universities to make admissions decisions for applicants to graduate school.
  • Why is the Army doing this? For years the Army has relied on a time-based promotion system to provide the Army the ready force it needs for service to the nation. However, there are instances where the time-based promotion boards can discourage participation in opportunities for greater development of an officer's talents. Officers who opt out of a promotion board will elongate the amount of time spent in their current grade to allow more time for developmental experiences, either at the current grade or the future grade. Is this to allow an officer to improve their competitiveness at the promotion board? No. It is to enable time for greater development in the current grade or future grade. As an example of criteria that may be used, a KD-complete captain in Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS) whose major promotion board approaches, may now opt out of that board to complete the schooling and requisite utilization tour, allowing him or her to promote to major later, attend ILE later, and spend the same amount of time as a major as a due course officer who did not opt out or attend ACS. Similarly, the major who attended ILE later than usual but is very interested in SAMS who approaches the lieutenant colonel board without adequate time rated as a major on OERs may elect to pursue SAMS now and plan to postpone the lieutenant colonel promotion board until after developing longer as a major. What is the process for opting out? Officers submit requests via AIM2 as a career opportunity Personnel Action Request. Only officers eligible for the promotion board will see this option in AIM2. Officers must provide a DA4187 (Request for Personnel Action) and memorandum explaining their request. The first O6 in their chain of command must sign the DA4187. HRC will post an example of the 4187 and memorandum for reference. To which boards does this apply? The Army will begin offering this option for the FY20 LTC ACC Promotion Board, scheduled to convene in February 2020. We will also offer it for the FY20 MAJ ACC Board next summer, and consider offering the option to all future promotion boards, both Active and Reserve Component, including Special Branch boards. How many times may an officer opt out of a promotion board? An officer may opt out of a promotion board twice at each grade. Will promotion board members know that an officer previously opted out of a promotion board? Yes. An approved request to opt out will be present in the officer's files, and will be seen by selection boards; it will be present in the remarks section of the ORB, visible to promotion and selection boards. Opting out is a significant step toward flexible career paths, and one the Army will consider carefully before approving. Justification for approval must support the officer's career advancement and development, and the needs of the Army. Will an officer's Cohort Year Group be changed if he or she opts out of a promotion board? Yes, an officer's year group will be adjusted to match the population of their new zone of consideration. Will an officer's current date of rank be changed if he or she opts out of a promotion board? No. An officer's date of rank will remain the same. If an officer opts out of his or her Primary Zone (PZ) board, will he or she be considered for Above Zone (AZ) promotion the following year? No. The officer will compete for PZ promotion the following year. May an officer opt out of an AZ board? No. The law stipulates that an officer may not opt out if he or she "previously failed of selection for promotion to the grade for which [they request] the exclusion from consideration." If an officer has been previously considered and not selected, he or she will not be eligible to request to opt out of subsequent considerations. Will opting out of a promotion board be evident on an officer's ORB? Yes. Remarks will remain in Section X of an officer's ORB, but will be removed when he or she is selected for promotion to the next rank. How will opting out of a promotion board affect an officer's career progression? Opting out of a promotion board is intended to allow an officer more time to develop at his or her present grade. Once promoted, the officer's progression will resume normally for his or her time in grade. Is an officer who received an Article 15 / General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand / Referred AER in this current grade eligible to request to opt out? No. Receipt of derogatory information in the current grade disqualifies an officer from requesting to opt out.
  • What is the Battalion Commander Assessment Program? The purpose of the BCAP is to expand the Army's understanding of each officer's talents and assess their potential fitness for command. The BCAP will consider the results of the CSL board, as well as cognitive, non-cognitive, physical, written, oral assessments and a series of interviews.

Talent Management Information

  • Senior Officer Talent Management Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy: A Proposed Human Capital Model Focused Upon Talent Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy: Talent: Implications for a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy: Retaining Talent Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy: Accessing Talent: The Foundation of a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: Developing Talent Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: Employing Talent Creating an Effective Regional Allignment Strategy for the U.S. Army Paid to Perform: Aligning Total Military Compensation with Talent Management Starting Strong: Talent-Based Branching of Newly Commissioned U.S. Army Officers
  • Army Talent Based Branching Army Talent Alignment Process Officer management systems to a talent-based approach Officer management systems to a talent-based approach (short)

Talent Management Resources

U.S. Army Futures Command U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command U.S. Army Recruiting Command Assistant Secretary of the Army - Manpower and Reserve Affairs U.S. Army Human Resource Command Office of Economics and Manpower Analysis U.S. Army Science Board U.S. Army Research Institute U.S. Army Combined Arms Center U.S. Army Manuever Center of Excellence U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center of Excellence U.S. Army Mission Command Center of Excellence U.S. Army Sustainment Center of Excellence U.S. Army NCO Leadership Center of Excellence U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence U.S. Army Health Readiness Center of Excellence