Army Quality of Life

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

What is it?

The U.S. Army’s Quality of Life is a comprehensive approach to strengthening quality of life programs in support of the Chief of Staff of the Army’s number one priority, People.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

The Secretary of the Army officially chartered the Quality of Life (QOL) Task Force in March 2020. The task force developed a campaign plan to outline a comprehensive approach to strengthening QOL programs across the Army. The Campaign Plan consists of six lines of effort, 31 objectives, and over 200 tasks.

The Army QOL Campaign Plan nests within the Army People Strategy with emphasis on:

  • Housing: Army leaders are committed to improving housing conditions; ensuring Soldiers and Families have safe, quality on-post housing and barracks.

  • Healthcare: Creating an integrated, efficient and effective healthcare system.

  • Child Care: Providing accessible, affordable, and predictable child and youth programs.

  • Spouse Employment: Helping military spouses find meaningful employment and careers by increasing employment assistance, maximizing hiring authorities and strengthening partnerships.

  • PCS Moves: Improving policies and streamlining relocation processes.

  • Support and Resilience: Bolstering QOL facilities and programs at specific installations with critical QOL needs (U.S. Army Alaska, Fort Polk, Fort Irwin, and Ft. Hood).

QOL programs reduce stress, absenteeism, and disengagement. Exceptional Soldier and Family programs engender trust between the Army and its professionals, simultaneously improving talent acquisition and retention efforts.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

The Army will continue its steadfast commitment to strengthening QOL resources for Soldiers and Families. The Army QOL Campaign Plan has many short and long-term objectives and the QOL TF is working diligently to:

  • Invest significantly in Housing and Barracks
  • Provide robust Virtual Health capabilities and transition healthcare delivery to the Defense Health Agency
  • Increase access to childcare
  • Promote spouse employment
  • Provide predictable and responsive services during PCS Moves
  • Ensure Soldiers and Families at remote installations receive critical QOL needs

Why is this important to the Army?

The Army recognizes People as the #1 priority and is committed to providing predictable, flexible, adaptable, and tailorable Quality of Life programs to Soldiers and Families. Effective, efficient, and well-executed QOL programs increase the well-being and readiness of the force.


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Focus Quote for the Day

I, like each and every one of you, am committed to taking care of our people, and maintaining our readiness while modernizing our capabilities.

— Acting Secretary of the Army John E. Whitley

Army Quality of Life