Manpower and Reserve Affairs


  • Mr. Mark R. Lewis Senior Official Performing the Duties of the ASA M&RA Mr. Mark R. Lewis
  • Mr. Jeffrey P. Angers Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (M&RA) Mr. Jeffrey P. Angers


Supervise Manpower and Reserve Component Affairs for the Secretary of the Army (SA). The Assistant Secretary of the Army's (ASA) Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) mission statement is a declaration of our purpose and clarifies why everything we do contributes to the Army's mission and furthers the Army's vision. The ASA (M&RA) mission is firmly grounded in statute and regulation. Title 10 of the United States Code establishes the ASA (M&RA) as an entity and provides the mission foundation and states that the ASA (M&RA) has, as its principal duty, "the overall supervision of manpower and reserve component affairs of the Department of the Army." The Headquarters, Department of Army, General Order No. 3 provides further detailed descriptions of ASA (M&RA)'s responsibilities. Per General Order No. 3 (dated July 9, 2002), ASA (M&RA) serves as the Army's lead for civilian and military manpower policy, human resources, the review of soldier records, reserve/active component force structure policy, the Army-wide Equal Employment Opportunity Program and other critical matters as part of the Army leadership. In fulfilling this mission, ASA (M&RA) will lead, shape, direct and manage Army activities, working in collaboration with our partners, within the human capital enterprise. Beyond the traditional components of human resource management, the ASA (M&RA) also has responsibility for providing oversight and direction to the Army's total force management, manpower and workforce management programs. This authority extends to all five components of the Army (i.e., Active, Guard, Reserve military, civilian and contractor). Additionally, the Secretariat's oversight and direction extends to training, readiness and mobilization policies, plans and programs affecting the Army (Active and Reserve Components) with a strong emphasis on reviewing all policies and programs pertaining to mobilization, demobilization and accessibility of the Reserve Components. In all of these areas, ASA (M&RA) will provide proactive leadership, shape policy development and supervise policy execution.


ASA (M&RA) will lead the human capital enterprise for America's all-volunteer Army: Relevant and ready, agile, adaptive and organized for the 21st century. The vision statement describes what ASA (M&RA) will look like in the future, guides us and provides direction as we fulfill our mission. This vision is firmly grounded in the ASA (M&RA) mission, which articulates our fundamental and enduring purpose, and considers the challenges surfaced in our situational assessment. ASA (M&RA) is uniquely positioned to provide unifying focus throughout the Army's human capital enterprise. M&RA issues posed by Global War on Terror GWOT, sustaining the all-volunteer force, transition to modularity, business transformation and workforce challenges must all be addressed. To attain this vision, we will be strategic in outlook, innovative in process and world-class in execution. In order to sustain a ready and relevant total force, we will not only respond to today's human capital needs but we will forecast tomorrow and shape the human dimension of America's Army accordingly. This vision provides direction for our priorities and our future path.


  • Designation of the Accountable Official Regarding Use of ICS RCSA Memo 2017 SA Memo 1 September 2016 - Delegation of In-sourcing Approval Authority SA Memo 30 October 2015 - Civilian Workforce Adjustments in Workfore Shaping Venue Dep SecDef Memo 24 August 2015 - Cost Reduction Targets for Major Headquarters DASA-TRM Memo 4 August 2015 - Guidance for Review of the Army FY 2014 Inventory of Contracts for Services (ICS) DASA-FMMR Memo 13 November 2014 - Guidance for Justifying Transfers of Workload DASA-FMMR Memo 21 August 2014 - Guidance for Utilization of Military Manpower DASA-FMMR Memo 2 May 2014 - Documentation of Contract Man-Year Equivalents (CMEs) SA Memo FY2014 Department of the Army Workforce Guidance Request for Service Contract Approval, May 2017, version 2 (including Worksheets A through H) Electronic Automated Version of the Request for Services Contract Approval Form User's Guide: RSCA Form What's New: RSCA Form and FAQ Updates Workforce Mix Decision Tree
  • Sec 813, FY15 NDAA - Extension of Limitation on Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contract Services Sec 905 Periodic Review of DoD MHQ(Final FY15 NDAA Language Joint Explanatory Statement) Contract Checklist (Final FY15 NDAA Joint Explanatory Statement) DoD Total Force Provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 - General Provisions Sec 331, FY14 NDAA - Readiness Reporting WRT Contract Support (Final Signed Bill) Sec 802, FY14 NDAA S.1197F, 10 Dec 2013 - Extension of Limitation on Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contract Services Sec 906, FY14 NDAA,S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Modification of Reference to Major DoD Headquarters Activities Instruction Sec 904, FY14 NDAA S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Streamlining DoD Management Headquarters Sec 932, FY14 NDAA, S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Authorities, Capabilties, and Oversight of CYBERCOM Sec 933, FY14 NDAA, S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Mission Analysis for DoD Cyber Operations Sec 951, FY14 NDAA, S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Review of Appropriate Manpower Performance Sec 1108, FY14 NDAA, S.1197F - 10 Dec 2013 - Compliance with Law Regarding Availability of Funding for Civilian Personnel 10 United States Code Section 2212 - Obligations for Contract Services: Reporting in Budget Object Classes Sec. 846 - Requirments for Risk Assessments related to Contractor Performance (FY13 NDAA) Sec. 844 - Data Collection on Contract Support for Future Overseas Operations(FY13 NDAA) Sec. 824 - Codification of Requirement relating to Government Performance of Critical Acquisition functions (FY13 NDAA) Sec. 955 - Civilian and Contracted Services Workforce Reduction Plans and Savings (FY13 NDAA) Sec. 331 - Intergovernmental Support Agreements with State and Local Governments (FY13 NDAA) Consolidated Appropriations Act 2012 Sec. 8037 Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 Sec. 808 Temporary Limitation on Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contract Services (FY12 NDAA HR1540 Conf Report) Section 8108 of Public Law 112-10 10 United States Code Sec. 235 Procurement of contract services: specification of amounts requested in budget 10 United States Code Sec. 2463 (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 938) - Guideline and Procedures for the use of Civilian Employees to perform Department of Defense Functions 10 United States Code Sec. 2461 (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 937) - Public-Private Competition required before conversion to Contrator performance 10 United States Code Sec. 2330a (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 936) - Procurment of Services: Tracking of Purchases 10 United States Code Sec. 2383 - Contractor performance of aquisition functions closely associated with inherently governmental functions 10 United States Code Sec.1597 CHAPTER 81 - CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES - Civilian Positions: guidelines for reductions 10 United States Code Sec. 113 (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 933) - Secretary Of Defense 10 United States Code Sec. 115a (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 934) - Annual Manpower Requirements Report 10 United States Code Sec. 115b (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 935) - Strategic Workforce Plan 10 United States Code Sec. 129 (as amended by FY12 NDAA Section 932) - Prohibition of certain civilian personnel management constraints 10 U.S. Code � 129a.General policy for total force management National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 Sec. 1111 Availability of Funds for Compensation of Certain Civilian Employees of the Department of Defense National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 Sec. 323. Pilot Program on Best Value for Contracts for Private Security Functions National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 Sec 325 Temporary Suspension of Public-Private Competitions for Conversion of Department of Defense Functions to Performance By A Contractor National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 SEC. 323. Prohibition on Establishing Goals or Quotas for Conversion of Functions to Performance by Department of Defense Civilian Employees
  • GAO Review of Compliance with Limitations on Contract Services (HASC Chairman's Mark - FY15 NDAA) GAO Review on DoD Processes for the Acquisition of Services (HASC Chairman's Mark - FY15 NDAA) Sec 951 FY14 NDAA (S1197F 10 Dec 2013) Modifying ICS Requirements Utilization of Standardized Services Contract Approval Form - En Bloc Amendments NDAA to H.R. 1960 for FY 2014(5 June 2013) H.R.1960 - FY14 Guidance on Borrowed Military Manpower (Readiness Subcommittee Mark FY14 NDAA (22 May 2013)) H. Rep. 111-491, SEC 321 Technical Amendments to Requirement for Service Contract Inventory H. Rep. 111-491, p. 253 (Contractor Support to the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization) H. Rep. 111-491, p. 265 (Availability of Full-Time Trainers in the Army) H. Rep. 111-491, p. 267 (Private Security Guards Functions To Be Performed by Civilian Employees) H. Rep. 111-491, p. 373 (Civilian Personnel Authorizations) S. Rep. 111-201, p. 172 (Planning and Implementation for Hiring Civilian Employees to Replace Contractor Employees) H. Rep. 111-166, p. 291 (In-sourcing New and Contracted-out Functions)
  • FAR Subpart 7.5(c) Examples of Inherently Governmental Functions FAR Subpart 7.5(d) Examples of Functions Closely Related to Inherently Governmental Functions FAR 37.104 Definition of Personal Services Contracts AFAR Subpart 5107.5 - Inherently Governmental Functions
  • OMB Circular No. A-76 (Revised) 29 MAY 2003, Subject: Performance of Commercial Activities Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Policy Letter 11-01, Performance of Inherently Governmental and Critical Functions (efective as 12 October 2011) OMB Notice of Proposed Policy Letter, Work Reserved for Performance by Federal Government Employees, 75 Fed Reg, 16,188-16,197 (31 March 2010) View Public Comments OMB Memo 27 OCT 09 Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan for Civilian Agencies - FY 2010-2014 OMB Memo 29 JUL 09 Managing the Multi-Sector Workforce OMB Memo 29 JUL 09 Improving Government Acquisition
  • Update on OMB Circular A-76 Public-Private Competition Prohibitions - FY 2019 (12 Dec 2018) Update on OMB Circular A-76 Public-Private Competition Prohibitions - FY 2018 (17 May 2018) OSD - Memo 29 December 2014 Guidance for Submission and Review of FY2014 Inventory of Contracted Services USD(C) 16 September 2014 Report on SEC 955 Civilian and Contractor Reductions in PB15 OSD - Memo 9 September 2014 2015 Inherently Governmental and Commercial Activities Inventory Data Call Guidance USD Memo 30 May 2014 Reductions in Funding for Contracts for Performance of Closely Associated with Inherently Governmental Functions and Staff Augmentation Contracts USD(C) Memo 19 May 2014 Guidance for Limitation on Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contracted Services for FY14 OASD Memo 10 February 2014 Update on OMB Circular A-76 Public-Private Competition Prohibitions - FY 2014 USD(C) Memo 21 April 2014 Publication and Distribution of Final Product Service Code to Object Class Code Crosswalk, Version 1.0 USD(C) 21 April 2014 Publication of the Product Service Code (PSC) to Object Class Code(OCC) Crosswalk(excel file), Version 1.0 OASD Memorandum 17 September 2013 - Update on OMB Circular A-76 Public-Private Competition Prohibitions DoDI 7041.04 Estimating and Comparing the Full Costs of Civilian and Active Duty Military Manpower and Contract Support (3 July 2013) DPAP Memo - 25 February 2013 - Reporting Inherently Governmental to FPDS Total Force Management and Budgetary Uncertainty, 21 February 2013 (w enclosures) Guidance for the Submission and Review of the Fiscal Year 2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services(4 February 2013) OASD(RFM) Memorandum 28 January 2013 - Private Sector Notification Requirements in Support of In-sourcing Actions (29 January 2013) OUSD Memorandum 14 January 2013 - Traceability of Contract Execution Expenditures for Services OSD Memo 28 November 2012 - Enterprise-Wide Contractor Manpower Reporting Application Memorandum OUSD-Memorandum 27 August 2012 - Taxonomy for the Acquisition of Services and Supplies & Equipment DEPSECDEF- Memo 03 June 2012 - Guidance for Limitation on Aggregate Annual Amount Available for Contracted Services USD (P&R) Memo - Application of Conversion Differential for Cost-Based In-sourcing Actions (25 June 2012) USD (P&R) Memo - Update on OMB Circular A-76 Public-Private Competition Prohibitions (8 March 2012) USD (P&R) Memo - Guidance Related to the Utilization of Military Manpower to Perform Certain Functions (2 MARCH 2012) OSD (P&R) / (AT&L) Memo - Guidance for the Submission and Review of the FY 2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services (29 DEC 2011) SecDef Letter 20 December 2011 Response to HASC on Contract Inventory OSD (P&R) Memo - Department of Defense Compliance Plan for Section 8108(c) of Public Law 112-10(22 Nov 2011) OSD (P&R) Memo - Prohibition on Converting Certain Functions to Contract Performance (1 Dec 2011) OSD DTM-09-007 Estimating and Comparing the Full Costs of Civilian and Military Manpower and Contract Support (03 SEP 2011) SecDef Memo 02 APR 09 Task Force on Contractor-Provided Combat and Security Related Training DepSecDef Memo 28 MAY 09 In-sourcing Implementation Guidance DepSecDef Memo 04APR08 NDAA08 Sec 324 Implementation DODI 1100.22 12APR10 Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix DOD Function Codes Definitions (Enclosure 3 of DOD FY 2010 IGCA Guidance p. 20-108)
  • DASA-TRM Memo 4 August 2015 - Guidance for Review of the Army FY 2014 Inventory of Contracts for Services (ICS) DASA-FMMR Memo 13 November 2014 - Guidance for Justifying Transfers of Workload SA Memo 12 September 2014 - Delegation of In-Sourcing Approval Authority DASA-FMMR Memo 21 August 2014 - Guidance for Utilization of Military Manpower DASA-FMMR Memo 2 May 2014 - Documentation of Contract Man-Year Equivalents(CMEs) SA Memo FY2014 Department of the Army Workforce Guidance SA Memo 18 December 2013 - Special Duty(Borrowed Military Manpower and Troop Diversion) - Extension of Temporary Suspension and Delegation of Authorities DASA-FMMR Memo 14 August 2013 Guidance for Fiscal Year 2012 Inventory of Contract for Services(ISC) SA Memo 28 May 2013 In-Sourcing Approval Authority DASA-FMMR, DASA(P), DAB Memo 17 April 2013 Guidance for Service Contract Spending Reductions SA Memo 11 March 2013 Borrowed Military Manpower Policy SA Memo 1 February 2013 Review of the Army Contractor Inventory SA Memo 1 February 2013 - SA Review Certification of FY11 ICS SA Memo 5 November 2012 - Reservation of In-Sourcing Approval Authority DASA-FMMR Memo 20 August 2012 - Request for Services Contract Approval Form Update DASA-FMMR Memo 10 August 2012 - Contractor Inventory Review and Certification Requirement DASA-FMMR Memo 10 February 2012 - Compliance with Contractor Inventory Policies DASA-FMMR Memo 10 February 2012 - Compliance with Contractor Inventory Policies Enclosure SA Memo 10 February 2012 - Reservation of Insourcing Approval Authority ASA (M&RA) Memo 28 October 2011 - Special Duty - Borrowed Military Manpower Policy SA Memo 26 September 2011 - SEC 8108 Army Plan to use CMRA DASA-FMMR Memo 12 July 2011 - Generating Force (GF) Review of the Total Army Analysis (TAA) 2014-18 Contractor Man-year Equivalents (CME) DASA-FMMR Memo 27 May 2011 - Divestiture Required for Contract Performance of Certain Functions DASA-FMMR Memo 22 April 2011 - Prohibition on Converting Certain Functions to Contract Performance DASA-FMMR Memo 4 March 2011 - Army In-sourcing Approval Procedures SA Memo 1 February 2011 - Reservation of In-sourcing Approval Authority SA Memo 9 July 2010 - In-sourcing Policy SA Memo 10 July 2009 - Army Policy for Civilian Workforce Management and Service Contracts Request for Contract Services Decision Tree SA Memo 7 January 2005 - Accounting for Contract Services
  • FY12 Command Plan Annex D: In-Sourcing Guidance
  • Concept Plan Guidance ANNEX C: Contractor Documentation of Projected Full Time Equivalent Positions ANNEX D: In-sourcing (When Based on Economic Analysis) ANNEX G: Panel for Documentation of Contractors (PDC) Contractor Inventory Review for Total Workforce Management and In-sourcing
  • 0702-0120 OMB Approval of CMRA Data Collection (Expires 02/28/2018) 0702-0120 OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Submission 0702-0120 OMB Submission Supporting Statement
  • Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Codes Manual
  • Contract Services Labor Rates
  • FAIR - Federal Activities Inventory Act
  • Army FY2007 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) 807 Inventory Federal Register Reference Army Contractor Manpower Reporting and In-sourcing Trifold Army FY2008 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Updated 01/07/10 Army FY2008 Inventory Executive Summary (PDF File) Army FY2008 Report of Contracts for Services (EXCEL File) 807 Inventory Federal Register Reference Army FY2009 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2009 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2010 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2010 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report SA Memo 1 February 2013 - SA Review Certification of FY11 ICS Army FY2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Appendix A Army FY2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Appendix B Army FY2011 Inventory of Contracts for Services Army FY2011 Cost Factors for Services (Excel - version) Army FY2011 Cost Factors for Services(PDF - version) Army FY2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Appendix A Army FY2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Appendix B Army FY2012 Inventory of Contracts for Services Army FY2012 Cost Factors for Services(Excel - version) Army FY2012 Cost Factors for Services(PDF - version) Army FY2013 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2013 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2013 Inventory of Contracts for Services Army FY2013 Cost Factors for Services(Excel - version) Army FY2013 Cost Factors for Services(PDF - version) Army FY2014 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2014 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2014 Inventory of Contracts for Services Army FY2014 Cost Factors for Services (PDF) Army FY2015 Inventory of Contracts for Services (PDF File) - Transmittal Army FY2015 Inventory of Contracts for Services - Report Army FY2015 Inventory of Contracts for Services

ASA M&RA Resources

Army Civilian Service (Formerly CPOL) Army G-1 Army Human Resources Command Army Knowledge Online Army National Guard Army People Strategy Army Posture Statement Army Publishing Directorate Army Reserve Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee Regulation 135-5 (PDF) Civilian Workforce Transformation (CWT) Code of Federal Regulations Contractor Manpower Reporting Application Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) DefenseLink Defense Travel Management Office DoD Issuances Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act Government Printing Office NO FEAR Office of Personnel Management Office of Special Counsel Senior Executive Service Information Service Contract Requirement Approval Senior Enterprise Talent Management (SETM) Staff Action Process and Correspondance Policies - DA Memo 25-52 (PDF) U.S. Army Manpower Analysis Agency (USAMAA) ArmyTaskForceBehavHealth Final Memos(PDF) ATFBH Corrective Action Plan 5 March 13 (PDF) Redacted DAIG Insp Rpt on BH, DES and IDES(PDF) USA Med Com Ombudsman Audit(PDF)