Town hall focuses on people, readiness and modernization
Anniston Army Depot commander, Col. Eric McCoy addresses the workforce Sept. 8 in a virtual town hall. (Photo Credit: US Army Photo by Mark Cleghorn) VIEW ORIGINAL

Anniston Army Depot commander Col. Eric McCoy addressed the workforce Sept. 8 during a virtual town hall.   He opened the session with a brief introduction, followed by workload projections, recognitions, and a question and answer period.

“I wanted to take this opportunity during an era of COVID and other things going around the globe, to engage with our most valuable asset, our teammates,” he said, during his first of many bi-monthly town halls.

In concert with the Army’s top line messages, people, readiness and modernization, he spoke about the importance of taking care of the workforce and aligning the depot’s five, 10, and 15-year modernization plan.

Anniston is one of the lead flagship installations for the Organic Industrial Base, he said. We will play a key role in delivering readiness, in terms of performance to promise, quality, cost, and in delivering our products to the various warfighters whom we support.”

Workload Reductions

Last month, the commander informed the workforce about the declining workload which will result in workload reduction in fiscal year 2022.  During this session, he expounded on the rationale. “Prior to making this tough decision, he stated, “the depot made every effort to minimize reductions, including natural attrition, reduced overtime, limited hiring to only critical skill sets and smoothing workload.”

There will be up to 196 term depot employees, whose appointments will not be extended at the end of their expiration date. These individuals were notified and the depot is looking for opportunities to assist.

Additionally, 108 Amentum contract personnel will be released at the end of October.

The depot’s release will be gradual over the months throughout the year, reaching the total number by Sept 2022.

The depot will assist those affected employees with general resume writing courses and job fairs. The first course is slated for Sept. 21. Coordination with the supervisor is required to register for the course in TED.

COVID/Mask Mandate

“Follow the rules, we are in hot zone with regards to what we see with upticks and infections,” said the commander. We have a responsibility to provide products to the warfighter and we can’t do that with employees out or isolated. Supervisors are reminded to enforce the rules and make on the spot corrections.”  When the Health Protection conditions change, the depot will adjust appropriately. In the interim, doing the right things keeps the workforce safe


“We are one of three U.S. Army installations to pilot how we look at modernization,” he said.   “It encompasses more than state of the art facilities. It is covers our equipment, and our people. We must look at this in terms of process improvement. It’s about posturing to support the warfighter for the next 80 years.”

The commander’s next town hall is slated for Nov. 17. If you have questions or topics that you’d like to see addressed, please send them to the Public Affairs Office.