On Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 Natick Soldier Systems Center held a Remembrance Ceremony for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in front of Building 1. To commemorate the 20-year anniversary, NSSC joined DoD installations and communities around the world, with a poignant and inspiring observance that brought people together to reflect and remember those lost during the attacks.
On Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 Natick Soldier Systems Center held a Remembrance Ceremony for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in front of Building 1. To commemorate the 20-year anniversary, NSSC joined DoD installations and communities around the world, with a poignant and inspiring observance that brought people together to reflect and remember those lost during the attacks. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Dave Kamm) VIEW ORIGINAL

Natick, Mass. - On Friday, Sept. 10, Natick Soldier Systems Center held a Remembrance Ceremony for the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in front of Building 1. There was also a call to action to complete a virtual Remembrance Walk to commemorate the 2,280 steps the first responders endured at the World Trade Center.

Natick remains committed to remembering and honoring the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. To commemorate the 20-year anniversary, NSSC joined DoD installations and communities around the world, with a poignant and inspiring observance that brought people together to reflect and remember those lost during the attacks.

“As we honor them all let us recommit to do our best, every day, to protect and defend our American way of life, our values, and our freedoms, for those of us who stand here today, for those we have lost, and for those who will stand here tomorrow,” said Brig. Gen. David Trybula, Senior Commander Natick Soldier Systems Center.

Each year the Soldiers, service members, Civilians, and contractors from Natick pause to reflect on the terrible loss of 2,977 civilians as well as the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and Department of Defense civilians lost during the wars that followed. The observance is a chance to collectively pause to remember their honor, courage, commitment, sacrifice, and dedication to serving the Nation.

“The events of Sept. 11, 2001, defined a generation of Americans, our military, and our world. That day Americans united with patriotism, resolve, and hope. It ignited a spirit of service that continues,” said Trybula.

The U.S. military forces have a mission to defeat all enemies of the United States and our Allies. At Natick, the service members, civilians and contractors put that mission into practice by creating the necessities to arm the U.S. military, every day.

With this daily mission in mind, Trybula emphasized the strength that increases as the Installation continues to unite because each person remembers the actions that brought the Nation together.

“In one of our darkest moments in history, we came together as Americans to find courage and strength, and out of unimaginable tragedy emerged the best of our humanity.” Trybula said. “On this solemn anniversary, we pause in remembrance and once again in unity. Let us remember those attacks did not change this country into one with a tomorrow defined by fear. Instead it united us, gave us hope, and made us stronger.”