American flags at Fort McCoy, including the one near building 100, Post Headquarters flew at half staff through Sept. 22, to honor the people who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Centers. Photo by Rob Schuette, Triad, pg. 1, Sept. 28, 2001
American flags at Fort McCoy, including the one near building 100, Post Headquarters flew at half staff through Sept. 22, to honor the people who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Centers. Photo by Rob Schuette, Triad, pg. 1, Sept. 28, 2001 (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The events of Sept. 11, 2001, had an impact on nearly everything taking place at Fort McCoy from the day of the event and thereafter. Following is a look at some of what happened on Fort McCoy that day and in Septembers since.

20 years ago — September 2001

American flags at Fort McCoy, including the one near building 100, Post Headquarters, flew at half staff through Sept. 22, 2001, to honor the people who died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Center.

Security measures were quickly implemented at the installation, and community members visited Chapel No. 1 to participate in a National Day of Prayer on Sept. 14 for the people killed and injured in the terrorist attacks.

19 years ago — Sept. 11, 2002

The sounds of patriotic music echoed in the air as Fort McCoy service members and civilians solemnly filled the church pews at Fort McCoy’s Chapel No. 1 on Sept. 11, 2002, for “A Service of Remembrance.”

More than 150 personnel attended the joint observance commemorating the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States and National Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Recognition Day. Fort McCoy Chief of Staff Al Fournier read President George W. Bush’s proclamation designating

Sept. 11, 2002, as the first observance of Patriot Day. The proclamation spoke of remembrance services, candlelight vigils, flying the flag at half-staff from homes, and people observing a moment of silence.

Sgt. 1st Class Virgil Wilk, a member of the 85th Division (Training Support) Band, provided music for the service, playing the hymns “Abide with Me” and “Amazing Grace” on a Highland bagpipe.

15 years ago — September 2006

A marriage enrichment retreat held by the Fort McCoy Religious Support Office (RSO) helped mobilizing and demobilizing Soldiers and their families learn skills they will need to cope with the special stresses that occur with deployments.

Chaplain (Col.) Alan J. Johnson, RSO Site Support chaplain, said the U.S. Army Reserve Command allocated funds to allow the RSO to hold the “Strong Bonds: Marriage Enrichment Retreat” at Wisconsin Dells from Sept. 15-17. The approximately 48-hour event included training, family time, and relaxation. The funding also covered certification training for Johnson and other literature and books to support the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP).

Nineteen couples and their children participated in the retreat, Johnson said. The event was held under the PREP concept.

Spc. Michael Paul Robbins II, a mobilized Reserve member of the RSO, said he attended the retreat with his wife and children to find better methods and solutions to negotiate arguments and to navigate important milestones within the marriage and as parents.

“We wanted to make sure that even though we are a military family and that I have been deployed (to Operation Enduring Freedom) and now (was) mobilized at Fort McCoy that we would still be happy,” Robbins said. “I believe that the marriage enrichment weekend has helped my wife and me to better understand each other. My wife and I also believe that the training we received can improve our relationship with our children.”

10 years ago — September 2011

The 236th Engineer Company, a Texas Army National Guard unit, deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in September 2011.

The 236th was the last unit to go through mobilization preparations, training, and deployment at Fort McCoy, ending the 10-year history of the mobilization program. That training included their work as vertical construction combat engineers, repairing and renovating several structures on the installation’s training lanes.

6 years ago — Sept. 11, 2015

The Fort McCoy History Center reopened Sept. 11, 2015, after several months of work to renovate the interior and exterior of the facility.

Interior renovations provided for expanded exhibit floor space, improved lighting, and installation of energy-efficient heating and air-conditioning systems.

Exterior improvements included new steps and a ramp to improve access for visitors.

During its reopening, visitors experienced the results of these improvements firsthand, especially the increased floor space, which has allowed for the display of more of the installation historical collection.

The History Center features exhibits as well as displays of artifacts, photographs, and memorabilia that tell the story of Fort McCoy since its founding in 1909. The center first was opened in 1999 in building 902 when the Fort McCoy observed its 90th anniversary, Fort McCoy Public Affairs Officer Linda Fournier said, and never had any type of significant facility upgrades.

(Article prepared by the Public Affairs Office from The Triad and The Real McCoy archives.)