FORT CARSON, Colo. — Having to deal with a serious medical situation such as having cancer is tough enough without thinking about how much leave time has been used to attend treatment sessions.

Fortunately, for those going through such a traumatic event, support is available for those in need.

That support is through the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP), which is administered through the Fort Carson Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC).

The VLTP is set up for federal civilian employees who have exhausted their annual and sick leave for justified medical reasons, said Michele Wilcox, Fort Carson civilian payroll customer service representative.

An individual who is in need of donated leave can request an OPM Form 630 from Wilcox or CPAC, complete it and return it with the required medical documentation to CPAC.

To be accepted into the VLTP, an individual will need a physician’s note to verify a medical need, said Clinton Moss, the VLTP program administrator and a human resources assistant with CPAC.

“That valid medical reason for being out of work is what’s requiring you to use up all of your sick and annual leave,” Moss said.

Medical reasons that would qualify for donated leave include receiving cancer treatments, an injury that requires short-term care and providing care for a Family member who has a medical condition that requires assistance from a civilian employee.

Moss said he reviews the OPM Form 630 along with an individual’s medical documentation to ensure there’s a valid need to receive donated leave.

The goal is to keep civilian employees who are about to exhaust their leave from going into leave without pay. They need the time off for medical reasons but also need to get paid.

“People go on VLTP because it’s serious,” Wilcox said.

But for the program to be successful, there’s a need for federal civilian employees to donate leave to VLTP.

To donate leave, an employee will complete the OPM Form 630a and submit it to Wilcox and Moss.

Leave is donated to a specific person at Fort Carson.

“We require that an individual donate leave to a specific individual,” Moss said.

The names of those civilians who need donated leave are listed every month in the Fort Carson Mountaineer and through the Community News on government email, Moss said. He can also provide the names of those in need.

One recommendation is for civilians to donate some of their use-or-lose leave before December. This is a way to help others since it’s estimated that thousands of hours go unused every year, Wilcox said.

Donated leave can be divided up among more than one person. This is a program that allows civilians to help others.

“We’ve got co-workers, friends (and) neighbors, and they’re in need,” Wilcox said. “They’re struggling every day, and some are going without pay.”

Participation in VLTP helps those who are truly in need.

“It’s important because we have people who through no fault of their own have medical conditions — a Family member or themselves — and they are exhausting all of their leave,” Moss said. “This is a way to give back, and it’s anonymous.”

Since February 2021, 16 civilian employees have received donated leave, Wilcox said.

A person can stay on VLTP for no more than one year, Moss said. It’s considered a short-term disability program.

For more information on VLTP, contact Moss at or call him at 524-3641 (DSN 691) and Wilcox at

The need to help others is what keeps this program going.

“It’s a great program, and people need to know about it,” Wilcox said. “There will always be a need for this program.”