Sandra Lyles-Jackson, a U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command logistics management specialist, developed and executed a detailed plan to implement new electronic Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss training. (Courtesy photo)
Sandra Lyles-Jackson, a U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command logistics management specialist, developed and executed a detailed plan to implement new electronic Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss training. (Courtesy photo) (Photo Credit: Antwaun Parrish) VIEW ORIGINAL

Sandra Lyles-Jackson, a U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command logistics management specialist, developed and executed a detailed plan to implement new electronic Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss training.

In July 2020, the Army directed all Army organizations to implement the eFLIPL application for FLIPL initiation and tracking, accounting, auditing and management.

Lyles-Jackson was appointed as the AMCOM FLIPL program manager in September 2018. In her role, she provides program oversight and policy guidance to AMCOM and subordinate organizations.

According to her supervisor, Lyles-Jackson worked long hours and tirelessly to get the new eFLIPL system implemented.

“We had a short window to comply with the eFLIPL application being deployed,” said Lyles-Jackson. “It was a challenge working simultaneously with the new application and the existing application. The current system did not migrate data to the new system; therefore, the Army units had to create the unit structure and register accounts.”

There were three phases in the pre-deployment schedule. According to Lyles-Jackson, the current system did not migrate data to the new system therefore the Army units had to create the unit structure and register accounts- Phase 1 was focused on developing that structure.

“For AMCOM and the subordinate organizations, I was able to identify the organizations’ unit identification code and the approving authority dollar threshold in accordance with Army Regulation 735-5,” said Lyles-Jackson.

Phase 2 was training and registration. Lyles-Jackson worked long hours to get users registered, accounts activated and FLIPL roles assigned to meet the go-live date of Jan. 4.

“I wrote step-by-step instructions to the key personnel involved in the FLIPL process, “ she said, adding that the instructions made it easier for appointing/approving authorities, responsible officers, initiators/property custodians, property book officers, legal and financial liability officers to understand the registration process. “I had to ensure all roles were assigned in the organizations to begin initiating a FLIPL in the new system.”

“The success of this effort showed during one of the HQDA G-4 in-progress reviews. AMCOM was the only command identified without any open FLIPLS … two months ahead of schedule,” said Lyles-Jackson. “Due to COVID-19, there was not on-site or formal training. Each Army unit was responsible for learning the new system by a self-taught method utilizing power point slides and training videos. In turn, the FLIPL program managers provided internal training to the users.

Phase 3 was the phase where roles were assigned and eFLIPL was deployed for usage. However, Lyles-Jackson stated that AMCOM was successful in assigning roles in Phase 2.

“We were able to use eFLIPL immediately to initiate a FLIPL,” said Lyles-Jackson.

“As a former athlete, I use the planning, preparation and execution approach,” said Lyles-Jackson. “The Army units received HQDA Executive Order 217-20 Electronic Financial Liability Investigation. I implemented additional measures, such as initiating official taskers, facilitating in-process reviews, [and] keeping leadership updated, to [meet] key dates and timelines ahead of schedule.”

The work that Lyles-Jackson does to support AMCOM ultimately benefits the warfighter, which she contributes as a motivating factor for the work she puts into her projects.