(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is a time when we celebrate the memory of a great American and the causes he championed; specifically equal rights, diversity and inclusion that he advanced for America and the world. Each member of the 8th TSC Team makes an enormous and positive difference to our unit, Army, Nation, Community and families. Everyone of you are valued member of the "Sustain the Force" Family and safety are our top priorities.

As the extended weekend approaches, every effort must be made to mitigate the COVID-19 threat. Soldiers, Families and Civilians are urged to stay home to minimize unnecessary social contact that will lead to possible COVID-19 exposure and possible death. Ensure you and all of your Ohana are adhering to Local, State, Federal and military guidance to combat and defeat the COVID-19 pandemic.

As you prepare to celebrate an American hero and champion of freedom ensure you implement risk management control measures in all of your activities, especially during these new normal times. Never drink and drive, use a designated driver, all drivers & passengers must buckle up, motorcyclist must wear approved PPE. If venturing out, ensure you practice proper hygiene, wear protective masks, practice social distancing, and remember that non-mission essential social gatherings exceeding 5 people are prohibited.

ou can find thousands of K. I. S. S. Safety Tips covering Airports to Zip-Lines on the front page of

8th TSC NIPR portal or at

https://a rmy.deps. mil/ Army/sites/8tsc/SpStaff /Safety/S itePages/K. I. S. S %20Ti ps.aspx.

We want the 8th TSC team to maintain a sound balance between work and off-duty/family time. Have a safe, enjoyable and meaningful holiday! SUSTAIN THE FORCE! The proponent for this memorandum is the 8th TSC Safety office, Mr. Tim Ah Young-Shelton at (808) 787-1080 or timothy.r.ahyoung­shelton.civ@mail.mil.