WASHINGTON (January 25, 2016) -- The newest civilian aide to the secretary of the Army (CASA) was invested during a ceremony conducted earlier this month at the Pentagon. Ronald O. White was selected by former Secretary of the Army Eric K. Fanning to represent Virginia (Capital Region).

"I have been a public servant committed to our Nation and its Armed Forces in a multitude of capacities for over three decades," White said. "I have always answered the call to serve without hesitation and I see this position as a Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army presenting a unique opportunity for me to once again answer the call to serve my country and the greatest military in the world."

CASAs are a vital part of the Army, promoting good relations between the Army and the public and advising the Secretary about regional issues.

Each state, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories have one or more CASAs appointed to provide a vital link between the Army and the communities for which they serve. CASAs are usually business or civic leaders who possess a keen interest in the welfare of the Army and their communities.

White served more than 21 years in the U.S. Army in various roles culminating as a Military Aide to the U. S. Ambassador to Haiti in the capital city of Port-au- Prince and subsequently as the Deputy Training and Doctrine Command Program Manager for the Battle Command Support Sustainment System at Fort Lee, Virginia. Currently, White is Vice President for Public and Member Services, Southside Electric Cooperative in Crewe, Virginia.

CASAs serve a two-year term without compensation. Terms may be extended to a total of 10 years of service. The secretary may recognize a civilian aide as a CASA Emeritus after 10 years of distinguished service.

For more information, contact Wayne V. Hall at 703-693-7589, or wayne.v.hall.civ@mail.mil.

Related Links:

January 9 investiture ceremony

Ceremony photos