U.S. Army Allies and Partners

Friday, June 18, 2021

What is it?

Allies and Partners enable strategic readiness and depth to the U.S. Army’s ability to mobilize, deploy, and sustain forces in large-scale combat operations. They enhance the Army’s deterrence, offer complimentary capabilities, share information, and fight alongside. They provide access and basing, which are critical components to the Army’s ability to project power worldwide.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

The Army strategy for Allies and Partners better integrates the Army’s diverse security cooperation activities to strengthen alliances and attract new partners. This strategy guides the Army to engage with key partners to increase access, presence and influence, and bolsters security cooperation resources to calibrate the force posture.

  • Multinational partners participate in the Army’s warfighter exercises, combined training exercises, and multinational activities that support geographical combatant commands.
  • The Army hosts key leader engagements, counterpart visits, Army staff talks, military personnel exchanges and multinational conferences and seminars.
  • The Army has regionally aligned its Security Force Assistance Brigades to train, advise, assist, enable, and accompany operations with combatant commands.
  • The Army partners with other nations through the Army National Guard’s State Partnership Program to improve the military professionalism and capability of the associated nation, and enhance their ability to become a security provider, instead of a security consumer.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

The Army will continue to:

  • Improve multinational interoperability and security assistance efforts to other activities, such as professional military education.
  • Host multinational armies for collective training at each of its Combat Training Centers.
  • Train in a COVID environment with allies and partners to ensure interoperability among all participating nations.
  • Leverage the collective power of its regional allies and partners to reduce the power and influence of great power competitors and prepare for large-scale combat operations.

Why is this important to the Army?

Mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships are critical to the Army and provide an enduring and unmatched strategic and competitive advantage. Strengthening alliances and attracting new partners supports Army objectives, supports the Joint Force, and sets conditions for the Army to fight and win with its allies and partners. Consistent and strong partnerships enable the Army readiness and modernization through enhanced capability and interoperability.

Land forces are typically the largest part of the partners’ militaries, and strong Army-to-Army relationships can significantly support both U.S. and ally/partner national objectives. To strenghten alliances and maintain the partnerships, the Army must ensure that all engagements and security cooperation activities are mutually supportive and sustainable.


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Focus Quote for the Day

America does not fight alone. Alliances and partnerships are among the greatest sources of our military strength. This global land power network is DoD’s foundation for competition, creating inroads and maneuver space for Joint and whole-of-government strategic engagement.

— Acting Secretary of the Army John E. Whitley and Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. James P. McConville, in their statement before the House Appropriations Committee – Subcommittee on Defense on the posture of the U.S. Army, May 5, 2021