Sergeant Major Assessment Program

Friday, January 15, 2021

What is it?

The Sergeant Major Assessment Program (SMAP) is a new program to expand the U.S. Army’s understanding of senior non-commissioned officers’ talents and assess their readiness for leadership as command sergeants major. The level of execution for SMAP, whether at battalion or brigade, or at both levels, has yet to be determined.

During SMAP, senior NCOs will take a series of assessments: cognitive and non-cognitive, written communication, verbal communication, peer and subordinate feedback, and physical fitness. SMAP uses psychometric assessments to help inform a candidate’s readiness to serve as a command sergeant major.

SMAP candidates also conduct an interview with a psychologist. They also participate in a double-blind panel interview with nominative command sergeants major and senior officers.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

The Army has implemented similar assessment programs for other leaders in the Army:

  • Battalion Commander Assessment Program, in early 2020, for lieutenant colonels. 750 Army officers participated in the inaugural BCAP. 98% of BCAP participants as well as 95% of Army senior leaders who participated as panel members felt the program was a better method of selecting officers for battalion command and other key billets.
  • Colonels Command Assessment Program, in September 2020, for colonels
  • Acquisition Leader Assessment Program, in November 2020, for Acquisition Corps leaders

The Army also conducted a prototype of the SMAP involving 28 recent U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy graduates modeled after BCAP.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

The Army will use the results of the SMAP prototype to develop and refine the final version of SMAP. A final determination will be made on what level, battalion and/or brigade, will be selected by SMAP.

Why is this important to the Army?

SMAP expands the Army’s understanding of the senior non-commissioned officer’s talents. These assessments help the Army to make better informed decisions about the selection of senior leaders.

SMAP also benefits the participants as the assessments provide candidates with valuable feedback. Participants in these programs have the option to build on their strengths and work on their developmental needs through the Army Coaching Program and through self-development.


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