U.S. Army Europe and Africa Consolidation

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What is it?

U.S. Army consolidated U.S. Army Europe and U.S. Army Africa into a single, four-star-command, U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF). This new command will be the Army service component command for both U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command.

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

Essential to this transformation, the Army has:

  • Re-activated V Corps- Once fully mission capable, V Corps will:
    • Focus on Europe and assume many of the operational and tactical-level functions from U.S. Army Europe and Africa.
    • Eventually have command and control of Atlantic Resolve rotational units as well as assigned units such as the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade and the 41st Field Artillery Brigade.
  • Re-designated U.S. Army Africa as U.S. Army Southern European Task Force-Africa (SETAF-AF):
    • Responsible for all Army operations and assets in Africa and Italy, to eventually include the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
    • Maintain direct coordination with U.S. Africa Command, to focus on its mission as the nucleus of a joint task force for operations on the African continent.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

The newly consolidated U.S. Army Europe and Africa headquarters will contintue to improve the Army’s ability to fulfill its missions in Europe and Africa in support of defense objectives outlined in the National Defense Strategy. It will also improve global response and the ability to optimize the command and control of land forces.

Why is this important to the Army?

The European and African theaters are inextricably linked. Their close geographic and economic ties creates potential spread of any unchecked regional security issues across both continents.

The consolidation of U.S. Army Europe and U.S. Army Africa:

  • Allows the headquarters to focus on tasks at the strategic-level, while the recently re-activated V Corps and re-designated SETAF-AF focus on readiness and interoperability with allies and partners at the operational and tactical levels.
  • Allows greater synchronization of security issues
  • Enables the dynamic shifting of forces and assets from one theater to another to support operational contingency response
  • Meets the requirements of both U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command
  • Enhances global response in support of the U.S. National Defense Strategy


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Focus Quote for the Day

This is not just a consolidation of a headquarters, it’s a consolidation of capabilities across theaters. The European and African theaters are inextricably linked. Their close geography and economic ties mean a regional security issue left unchecked could quickly spread to both continents. In today’s modern security environment we need to think across hemispheres and not artificially divide problem sets – this consolidation allows that.

— Gen. Christopher G. Cavolli, commanding general, U.S. Army Europe and Africa