Army Antiterrorism Program

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What is it?

The Army Antiterrorism Program protects personnel (Soldiers, members of other services, Department of the Army (DA) Civilians, Department of Defense (DOD) contractors and Family members of DOD employees), information, property, and facilities (including civil work and like projects) in all locations and situations against terrorism.

What has the Army done / is doing?

The Army Antiterrorism Program continues to mature and expand its outreach efforts. Under the leadership and oversight of the Office of the Provost Marshal General’s (OPMG), Antiterrorism Division, the Army established and sustains an antiterrorism strategic plan and communications synchronization plan to guide and promote program efforts.

In an effort to build the Army-wide community awareness, the following key activities were executed by OPMG:

  • Quarterly antiterrorism themes
  • Annual antiterrorism training seminar
  • Annual antiterrorism awareness month (August, see resources for EXORD)
  • Community-based neighborhood watch program called iWATCH Army

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

OPMG is in the process of fielding Joint Analytic Real-Time Virtual Information Sharing System (JARVISS) worldwide to Army installations and stand-alone facilities. The Antiterrorism Division is also in the process of revising antiterrorism policy (AR 525-13), while the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE) is updating antiterrorism training to address the evolving terrorist threat and improve Army tactics, techniques and procedures to prevent terrorist attacks. OPMG and MSCoE are collaborating on the next revision of Army antiterrorism doctrine (ATP 3-37.2) with the intent of producing an updated manual in the coming years.

The Army leadership will continue to guide and build awareness of the Army-wide community on the focused priority every quarter.

Why is this important to the Army?

Terrorism is an enduring, persistent, worldwide threat to the nation and the forces. Army forces (including installations, stand-alone facilities and operational units) must be capable of deterring, preventing, and defending against the full range of terrorist tactics. People are the Army’s greatest asset and protecting Army communities is a vital responsibility of the Army.


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August 2018

Aug. 26: Women’s Equality Day - Visit Women in the U.S. Army

September 2018

National Preparedness Month

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