Company Commander-First Sergeant Pre-Command Course

Wednesday January 30, 2013

What is it?

The Company Commander-First Sergeant Pre-Command Course is a resident “troop school” conducted at more than 30 installations and units for company command teams prior to assuming their duties. The course provides company command teams with knowledge in key areas resulting in effective leadership for the unit. All materials are currently posted on the Army Training Network. The course homepage allows installations and unit to post materials, best practices and feedback.

What has the Army done?

In October 2011, the Army directed U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command to develop the critical tasks and learning outcomes in order to establish the minimum requirements for the course. In February 2012, the Army directed the following 19 critical tasks as the minimum topics to be incorporated into all company pre-command courses:

  • Command climate
  • Maintaining good order
  • Health promotion
  • Risk reduction
  • Suicide prevention
  • Army substance abuse
  • Sexual harassment/assault response and prevention
  • Equal opportunity
  • Leader development
  • Training and administration
  • Command supply discipline
  • Comprehensive Soldier Fitness
  • Family programs
  • Soldier medical readiness
  • Retention
  • Profession of Arms
  • Concussion-traumatic brain injury
  • Protection of classified and sensitive information
  • Safety

Army proponents for each critical task developed training support packages to ensure standard materials; senior commanders incorporated the 19 critical tasks and use training support packages as baseline materials for locally trained courses. Commanders retain the authority to modify lessons and instructional methodology to meet learning outcomes and add tasks specific to their environment.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army is developing distance learning modules covering each critical task and learning outcome. This initiative will provide additional enabling materials to senior commanders that will add flexibility at each site. The initial distance learning modules are scheduled for fielding by September 2013. Subsequent distance learning development will incorporate new or revised materials and reserve-component unique materials. The Combined Arms Center’s School for Command Preparation will continue to work with Army commands, Army service component commands and direct reporting units to maintain both currency and relevance in course content.

Why is this important to the Army?

The Company Commander-First Sergeant Pre-Command Course provides a unique leader development opportunity. The course prepares company-level command teams by providing information on policies, programs and procedures critical to success in these demanding leadership positions.


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